Illicit Discharge Programs, Storm Water System Maintenance and Management and Recent Regulatory Developments
On Thursday, September 25, 2014, Wendel Rosen environmental attorney Wendy Manley will be part of a webinar presentation, “Municipal Storm Water: Illicit Discharge Programs, Storm Water System Maintenance and Management, and Recent Regulatory Developments.”
This webinar will focus on municipal storm water, from program management to permit compliance. Technical considerations will be discussed, including identifying, reducing and eliminating illicit discharges, and developing and conducting effective maintenance programs. In addition, recent regulatory developments involving municipal storm water programs will be covered.
Case studies on how targeted enforcement of illicit discharges, engagement and education can greatly increase compliance with permit requirements will be included in the webinar. Some of the techniques and methods used in outreach and education will be highlighted during the webinar.
This webinar will cover elements of effective and efficient asset maintenance and data collection programs. Treatment considerations for urban, suburban and rural areas will be discussed, as well as maintenance considerations when selecting different treatment options.
Hosted By Storm Water Solutions and Stormwater Equipment Manufacturers Association.
For more information or to register, click here.
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