Landlords & Cannabis Workshop – Leasing to a Cannabis Tenant

Wendel Rosen co-presents this workshop hosted by real estate brokerage Kennedy Wilson in Concord, California. This workshop is exclusively for landlords interested in leasing to the cannabis industry. Additional speakers include individuals from HUB International Insurance Services, Inc.; Grow Builders, Inc.; Stewart Title; and the City of Antioch.

Topics include:

  • Legal – What terms do I need to modify or add to my lease form?
  • Insurance – How do I insure my building with this use?
  • Title/Escrow – Can I buy a building to lease to a cannabis tenant?
  • Tenant Improvements – What type of TI work is required?
  • Government – What is the process with the City for approvals?

RSVP is required.

Date:  December 20, 2018

Time:  6 p.m. to 8:30 p. m.

Location: Concord, CA

For additional information or to express your interest in attending, please contact Eric Rehn at Kennedy & Wilson.

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