Practical Necessities and Preparation Requirements for Successful Solar Projects
Green building attorney Donald Simon will present this session at the Green California Community College Summit in Pasadena, California.
Program description:
Community college and K-12 districts are grappling with continued budget cuts. With long term cost savings associated with solar programs, districts can reap significant financial benefits and put those savings into other needed resources. At the same time, they reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and lead by example in the area of environmental responsibility before their staff, students and communities.
As with all construction- and energy-related endeavors, pursuing a solar project is complex and requires myriad considerations and preparation for a smooth project and successful outcome. This session will walk the audience through the most critical considerations districts face when exploring and pursuing solar projects.
Date: Friday, September 28
Time: 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.
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