The New CA Storm Water Permit for Industrial Facilities Take Effect July 1, 2015 – Will You Be Ready?



Wendy Manley, Esq., Wendel Rose Black & Dean LLP.  Wendy is an environmental attorney in Oakland who has been counseling public and private clients on legal issues related to storm water compliance, regulatory developments and enforcement matters for over 15 years.

Charlie Wyatt, P.E., Trihydro Corporation.  Charlie is a registered civil engineer (CA, TX, AZ) with 25 years of experience working in water & environmental issues, including storm water concerns at major industrial facilities such as refineries, chemical plants, marine terminals and mining operations.

Storm Water Pollution Prevention requirements at industrial facilities had not changed for 18 years!  When the State Water Board adopted a new permit last year, it made some significant changes that will take effect in less than six months.  There will be no grace period to update your storm water program after June 30th; you need to do it now.

Topics include:

  • Registration requirements
  • No Exposure Certification  (This may impact over 100,000 new facilities)
  • 13 Major Permit Changes, such as Tiered compliance structure, Revised monitoring regimen, Monitoring (MIP), Numeric Action Levels (NALs), SMARTS and Electronic Reporting, Design Storms, Ocean discharges, Exceedance Response Actions (ERAs), Credential requirements (QISP), TMDLs, 303(d), NONA, etc. (We’ll explain)
  • What should industrial facilities be doing NOW?
  • What’s happening with Enforcement?


Click here to register online.  If you are unable to go to our website to register, you may reply by email to  For registration questions, call Wilma Dreessen at 925-335-3468.  Pre-registration is required and online payment services are available.  You should receive an email confirmation within 24-hour after registering.

There is a fee to attend. Pre-registration is required. 


Wendel, Rosen, Black & Dean LLP, 1111 Broadway, 19th Floor, Oakland CA 94607


The meeting may be attended by all interested members of the Golden West Section and their colleagues.  Storm water practitioners, environmental compliance personnel and facility manager of industrial facilities will be interested in attending this meeting. We welcome representatives of regulatory agencies, academia (both students and their professors), industry, community and environmental groups, and the consulting community.


For more information about the Golden West Section of the Air & Waste Management Association visit

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