What Every Lawyer Needs to Know About CEQA + New Supreme Court Developments
Wendel Rosen Land Use attorney Todd Williams will present, “What Every Lawyer Needs to Know About CEQA + New Supreme Court Developments,” on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at Alameda County Bar Association’s office, 1000 Broadway, Oakland.
This program will provide an overview of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
- Application to public agency decision-making
- Legal challenges regarding CEQA compliance with a focus on
- When CEQA applies
- CEQA exemptions
- Negative declarations
- Environmental impact reports
- Unique procedural requirements and standards of review involved in CEQA litigation
We will also discuss recent CEQA case law including several recent decisions by the California Supreme Court. This program should be considered introductory in nature, yet useful to any practitioner whose practice involves real estate and development projects.
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